The Raubonys Village Community of Pasvalys district, established in 2003, is actively engaged in its activities: it takes care of the well-being of its village, its cultural life, the renewal of its infrastructure, the employment of local inhabitants, the culinary heritage of the region, the preservation of its traditions and history.
The village of Raubonjai has always been well-known and distinguished for its water mill and woolen shearing mill.
The residents are eager to share their good practices – the intricacies of the woollen weaving craft with everyone, and encourage as many people as possible to learn it.
– Gražina Paškevičienė, Rauboniai Village Community Chairwoman
The Raubonys Village Community of Pasvalys district, established in 2003, is actively engaged in its activities: it takes care of the well-being of its village, its cultural life, the renewal of its infrastructure, the employment of local inhabitants, the culinary heritage of the region, the preservation of its traditions and history.
– Gražina Paškevičienė, Rauboniai Village Community Chairwoman
The Raubonys Village Community of Pasvalys district, established in 2003, is actively engaged in its activities: it takes care of the well-being of its village, its cultural life, the renewal of its infrastructure, the employment of local inhabitants, the culinary heritage of the region, the preservation of its traditions and history.
The village of Raubonjai has always been well-known and distinguished for its water mill and woolen shearing mill.
The residents are eager to share their good practices – the intricacies of the woollen weaving craft with everyone, and encourage as many people as possible to learn it.
– Gražina Paškevičienė, Rauboniai Village Community Chairwoman
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Rauboniai House of Culture
Draugystės g. 2, Raubonių k., Pasvalio r.
Draugystės g. 2, Raubonių k., LT-39447 Pasvalio r.
Draugystės g. 2, Raubonių k., Pasvalio r.