The village of Raubonys is 10 kilometres north of Pasvalys. The village is situated in a beautiful location at the intersection of two roads. The old Raubonys is next to the road to Biržai, while the new Raubonys is on the other side of the Tatulos. The Via Baltica international road passes through the village. It is the main route for vehicles to Latvia, Estonia and other northern European countries. This new road was built through the Raubonys village, around 1958-1960. Previously, the road to Riga passed through the village. Raubonys was therefore once a well-known village, not only because of the road, but also because of the mill and the woollen carding and spinning mill.
The old village of Rauboniai is mentioned in historical sources as early as 1588 year (in the books of the Upytė Land Court).
The mill building is the oldest structure in our village - a beautiful red brick house built in the picturesque Tatula valley. And the waters of the river used to turn the mill's windmills. Now, it is only in the spring that the Tatula swells, submerging the alder trees, and the water comes close to the mill, as if it were asking to harness its rushing current. In a few days, the swollen river recedes, then subsides, giving up its waters to the Battle. The water-saturated spruce trees turn green, and carpets of loess blossom in the arc.
The found documents testify that in 1775 in Raubonys the grain was milled by 2 wooden wheels turning 2 mills, which were turned by the flow of the watery Tatula river. At that time, the Raubonys water mill was the only one in the parish of Krinčino. In 1907, a red brick mill and a woollen carding mill with technological equipment bought in England and Sweden began to operate in Raubonys. The mill ceased to turn in 1985 and the spinning mill was closed on 13 June 1997. Today, this important architectural and rare engineering object from the past, with its well-preserved technological equipment, is of unique value. It has therefore become a state-protected historical, technical and architectural monument.
2014 m. recognising its importance, the community signed a lease agreement and actively sought help to preserve it.
12 September 2015 the Raubonys Mill Craft Centre was opened, and the craft festival "Vilnonės dienos" took place at the mill. The new craft centre was presented, a craft fair, craft demonstrations and concerts were held.
1907 m.
1933 m.
1949 m.
1950 - 1976 m.
Nuo 1951 m.
1957 m.
1960 m.
1960 m.
1968 m.
1968 m.
1968 m.
1969 m.
1971- 1991 m.
1972 m.
Nuo 1976 m.
1996 m.
2006 m.
2009 m.
2011 m.
2015 m.
Po aštuoniolikos metų pertraukos vėl pradėjo dūgzti Raubonių vandens malūno – vilnų karšyklos verpyklos mašinos. Valstybės saugomo unikalaus ne tik mūsų krašto, bet ir visos Lietuvos kultūros paveldo objektas atgimė Raubonių bendruomenės ir projekto konsultanto Vaidoto Gikio pastangų bei entuziazmo dėka.
2015 m.
Festivalis „Vilnonės dienos“ – dviejų dienų renginys malūne ir karšykloje-verpykloje bei prie jos esančioje Tatulos upės pakrantėje. Festivalis, skirtas susipažinti su vilnos apdirbimo galimybėmis, išbandyti pirčių šilumą, pasiklausyti ir pasišokti skambant tradicinės muzikos garsams, pasižiūrėti teatro pastatymų ir šauniai praleisti laiką!
2017 m.
Paminklas skirtas išnykusiems Našlėnų Trečionių, Ąžuolytės, Medomiškio kaimams atminti. Skulptorius Vidas Šukys.
2022 m.
2018-ųjų pabaigoje pradėti senojo Raubonių vandens malūno-vilnų karšyklos-verpyklos restauracijos ir rekonstrukcijos bei pritaikymo turizmo reikmėms darbai. Po rekonstrukcijos lankytojai savo akimis gali pamatyti, kaip karšiama ir verpiama vilna, taip pat susipažinti su senaisiais amatais ir šio krašto tradicijomis. Malūnas atkurtas remiantis 1924 metų brėžiniu.
Draugystės g. 2, Raubonių k., LT-39447 Pasvalio r.
Draugystės g. 2, Raubonių k., Pasvalio r.